
ellip2Ellipsometry is a techniquem which is widely used in semiconductor technology. Probably the most popular usage of ellipsometry is an estimation of a thickness and a complex optical refractive index of an thin transparent layer. However the ellipsometer alone can only measure a change of the light polarization due to reflection from an investigated sample. Thus the crucial part of any ellipsometry setup is a softwere or other tool, which can quickly solve so called: ellipsometry problem. Namly do deconvolution of the thickness and the refractive index from an ellipsometry measurement.



  • support for the single wavelength null type ellipsometer
  • modeling ellipsometry parameters (del, psi) for single layer on the substrate
  • fitting function for finding the refractive index and/or the thickness of the optical film


Programming skills:

  • C++11 / Matlab
  • Test Units with Google Test and Mock libraries


Git repository: Git Repo Ellip


Papers related to this work:

  • S. M. Lis, “Fabrication and characterization of sol-gel planar waveguides for integrated optoelectronics”, Graduation Thesis, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland (2006) – the main research from this thesis was presented on 4th Students Scientific Conference (KNS), Wroclaw, Poland, the paper was awarded as a best oral presentation.